Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Self Reflection Essay - 1870 Words

In this self reflection, I will be discussing about my limiting and supporting beliefs, my transference examples, and the primary and secondary function of my major habits. My limiting belief is that I do not have the skills needed to be in a manager position or communicate effectively, and my supporting belief is that I can learn and improve my skills to do the things that my limiting beliefs maintain that I could not do, such as being a manager or an effective communicator. My transference is the fear of admitting my mistakes to my supervisors that is transferred from the experience I have with my father when I was young. Lastly, I talk about my major habits, such as doing homework early, which primarily gives me ample time to work on my†¦show more content†¦Regarding to my manager position, I believe that while I might not be as fit to be in a manager role, this is an opportunity for me to be outside of my comfort zone and is still relatively safe to enhance learning, as I have a supportive supervisor and coworkers. My limiting belief is an obstacle for me in improving my skills and taking risks, because thinking that I’m not good at socializing prevents me from talking to other people and practicing the skills I lack. My limiting belief about my inability to take on a manager role will prevent me from trying it out and taking the risk to expand my skill sets and experience. On the other hand, my supporting beliefs allow me to take the risks that my limiting beliefs prevent and they allow me to trust myself and have hope that I will improve and grow in the future. This limiting belief is something many people struggle with, because many people lack social skills due to lack of past experience in socialization or due to a disability such as learning disabilities or autism, and it could lead to a lack of social support that people have, which can lead to other physical and mental problems. Moreover, people who feel lonely are more likely to be depressed and experience cognitive and physical decline. Therefore, those who lack social skills and feel lonely are more likely to need assistance from professionals like social workers to get access to resources, either dueShow MoreRelatedSelf Reflection Essays817 Words   |  4 Pages  on   Self- ­Ã¢â‚¬ Observations   and   Self- ­Ã¢â‚¬    Reflections    Maximum   1000   words   each   term    The   purpose   of   these   three   reports   is   to   demonstrate   how   you   have   used   the   learning   journal   to    develop   your   self- ­Ã¢â‚¬ awareness   from   term   to   term.   (See   Section   11   about   the   Learning   Journal)    Each   report   is   due   at   the   first   class   meeting   after   each   reading   week.    Guidelines:    The   Reports   should   include   your   reflections   about:Read MoreSelf Reflection Essay984 Words   |  4 PagesNever Over The end of the semester is approaching quickly and you can see â€Å"light at the end of the tunnel.† The final assignment is a self-reflection essay on what you learned during the semester in ENG 111. 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